App. No. | View | Date | Location | Proposal | Status |
24/03110/FUL | | 16/08/2024 | 16 New Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PJ | Demolition of the existing outbuilding and the Sub-division of existing plot to form one separated new dwelling with drive and crossover and to create one shared drive and crossover with gated access to the remaining land. | |
24/03007/FUL | | 08/08/2024 | 5 West Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PL | Erection of 2 No. self/custom build 4 bedroom bungalows at the rear of 5 West Street. | |
24/02817/HFUL | | 25/07/2024 | 79 Willingham Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PF | Two storey side and rear extension, addition of external cladding to existing extension and outbuilding | |
24/02797/HFUL | | 24/07/2024 | 44A Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Demolition of existing conservatory and rear roof dormers, and removal of 1no. roof light. Erection of replacement rear dormer, installation of side windows, replacement front door and roof light to side roof slope. Application of external render and cladding. | |
24/01164/HFUL | | 27/03/2024 | 8 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | First floor front extension over garage and replace front flat roof porch with pitched roof porch | |
24/00871/HFUL | | 08/03/2024 | 43 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NB | First floor rear extension over existing house and single storey extension to outbuilding, following demolition of existing sheds and conservatory. | |
24/00672/CL2PD | | 23/02/2024 | 49 Coxs End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5TY | Certificate of lawfulness under S192 Class A for a Single storey side extension | |
24/00299/FUL | | 26/01/2024 | Land Adjacent To 16 New Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PJ | Demolition of the existing outbuilding and the Sub-division of existing plot to form one separated new dwelling with drive and crossover and to create one shared drive and crossover with gated access to the remaining land. | |
24/00300/S73 | | 26/01/2024 | Land Adj 7 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | S73 to vary condition 12 (Biovidersity Net Gain) of planning permission 23/01296/S73 (S73 to vary condition 2 (approved plans) to amend the access location and removal of condition 8 (raised table) of planning application 22/01597/FUL (Erection of 8no of dwellinghouses and garages with associated development including a raised table, landscaping and open space)) to remove the requirement to deliver a measurable net gain in biodiversity. | |
24/00227/HFUL | | 22/01/2024 | 47 Coxs End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5TY | Garage Conversion | |
23/01296/NMA2 | | 22/01/2024 | Land Adj 7 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Non material amendment of planning permission 23/01296/S73 (S73 to vary condition 2 (approved plans) to amend the access location and removal of condition 8 (raised table) of planning application 22/01597/FUL (Erection of 8no of dwellinghouses and garages with associated development including a raised table, landscaping and open space)) changes to internal layouts, external alterations to fenestration, sizes of garages, relocate the garage for plot 1 and reposition external walls of the dwelling on plot 2. | |
24/00172/HFUL | | 18/01/2024 | 4A Willingham Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PD
| Single storey link extension between main house and annexe, change to annexe roof, and addition of front porch to the main house. | |
23/01296/CONDA | | 21/12/2023 | Land Adj 7 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Submission of details required by conditions 3(Future Management and Manintenance), 4(SiteAdoption), 7(Traffic Management Plan), 8(Arboricultural Method Statement), 11(Construction Envionmental Management Plan), 13(Surface Water Drainage),18(Hard and Soft landscape) and 21(Energy Statement) of planning permission 23/01296/S73 | |
23/01584/CONDB | | 21/12/2023 | Land To The Rear Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Submission of details required by conditions 13(Biodiversity Net Gain), 14(Boundary Treatment) and 15(Hard and Soft Landscape) of planning permission 23/01584/FUL | |
23/04519/HFUL | | 11/12/2023 | 41A Glover Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PQ | Single carport to front. | |
23/04426/LBC | | 20/11/2023 | 12 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Emergency works to replace decayed timber structural beam and make good to brickwork above. | |
23/04425/HFUL | | 20/11/2023 | 12 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Emergency works to replace decayed timber structural beam and make good to brickwork above. | |
23/04417/CL2PD | | 20/11/2023 | 12 Mill Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PY | Certificate of lawfulness under S192 for the Use of the land for siting a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling. | |
23/04026/HFUL | | 23/10/2023 | 20 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Internal and external alterations including the creation of a new bathroom in the existing corridor space and a creation of a new corridor. Change existing roof light to a conservation roof light and the installation of an additional roof light | |
23/04027/LBC | | 23/10/2023 | 20 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Internal and external alterations including the creation of a new bathroom in the existing corridor space and a creation of a new corridor. Change existing roof light to a conservation roof light and the installation of an additional roof light | |
23/01584/CONDA | | 18/10/2023 | Land To The Rear Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Submission of details required by conditions 4(Surface and Foul Water Drainage), 8(Contractor Parking) and 12(Construction Envionmental Management Plan) of planning permission 23/01584/FUL | |
23/03715/FUL | | 02/10/2023 | 6 Arthur Court Norman Way Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5AL | Single storey side extension to commercial unit | |
22/03812/CONDE | | 28/09/2023 | Land At And To The Rear Of 30 & 32 New Road Over | Submission of details required by condition 19 - C, E (Management and Maintenance of streets) of planning permission 22/03812/S73 | |
23/03636/FUL | | 25/09/2023 | 4A Willingham Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PD | Erection of 2 Bed Bungalow | |
23/03545/FUL | | 15/09/2023 | Land Adjacent To 16 New Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PJ | Sub-division of site for new single storey dwelling following the demolition of the existing outbuilding | |
23/03395/FUL | | 04/09/2023 | 16 The Lanes Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NQ | Erection of 14no residential dwellings and associated works including demolition of existing dwelling. | |
23/02969/HFUL | | 21/08/2023 | 80 High Street Over CB24 5ND | Add solar panels to roof of detached outbuilding | |
23/02812/FUL | | 20/07/2023 | 25 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Subdivision of existing garden plot and the erection of a detached dwellinghouse including the stopping up of the existing driveway access and creation of new vehicular access to Station Road - resubmission of ref: 22/00664/FUL | |
23/02640/FUL | | 07/07/2023 | Land At Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5WE | Erection of riding and livery stables, barn and associated single-storey residential accommodation. (Revised design to application S/2045/89/D, Certificate of Lawful Development 20/04589/CLUED | |
22/03812/CONDC | | 05/07/2023 | Land At And To The Rear Of 30 & 32 New Road Over | Submission of details required by condition 13 (Management and Maintenance of streets) of planning permission 22/03812/S73 | |
23/02334/FUL | | 26/06/2023 | 37 Hilton Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PU | Construction of 2 No. Self-build dwelling following demolition of an existing block | |
23/01816/HFUL | | 25/05/2023 | 34 New Road Over CB24 5PJ | Retrospective first floor extension to rear. | |
23/01584/FUL | | 26/04/2023 | Land To The Rear Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | 1 No. dwelling with associated amenity space and parking. | |
22/01965/CONDC | | 18/04/2023 | Land Rear Of 16 To 44 New Road Over Cambridgeshire | Submission of details required by condition 3 (drainage) of Reserved Matters application 22/01965/REM | |
23/01352/HFUL | | 11/04/2023 | 35 Hilton Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PU | Part two storey, part single storey rear extension, single storey side extension and new window openings following the demolition of existing garage and rear extension and conservatory. | |
23/01296/S73 | | 04/04/2023 | Land Adj 7 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | S73 to vary condition 2 (approved plans) to amend the access location and removal of condition 8 (raised table) of planning application 22/01597/FUL (Erection of 8no of dwellinghouses and garages with associated development including a raised table, landscaping and open space) | |
23/01160/CL2PD | | 24/03/2023 | 11 Coxs End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5TY | Certificate of lawfulness under S192 for Single Storey Side Extension | |
23/01050/HFUL | | 20/03/2023 | 27 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | First floor extension over existing and new side window | |
23/00400/HFUL | | 03/02/2023 | 14 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Conversion of existing outbuildings to habitable floor area, construction of first floor and single storey extensions and single storey home workshop/store | |
22/05498/HFUL | | 21/12/2022 | 23 Coxs End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5TY | Garage Conversion | |
22/05471/FUL | | 19/12/2022 | 4A Willingham Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PD | Erection of a 2 bed dwelling (Bungalow) to the front, and a detached garage for the use of 4a Willingham Road | |
22/05345/OUT | | 09/12/2022 | 37 Hilton Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PU | Outline application for the demolition of the Existing Building and the construction of 3 No. Dwellings with all matters reserved. | |
22/05266/HFUL | | 06/12/2022 | 35 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Single storey rear extension; single storey side extension; two storey front extension following demolition of existing porch. | |
22/05254/HFUL | | 05/12/2022 | 7 Overcote Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NS | Single storey front extension to Annexe & replace flat roof with pitched. | |
22/04923/S73 | | 10/11/2022 | Land East Of 7 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PP | S73 application to vary condition 8 (Hard and soft Landscape works) of planning permission S/4201/18/VC (Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission S/2383/17/FL) to change the wording of the condition that landscaping is to be done based on plot handover dates and not to be done before the entire development is completed. | |
22/04768/FUL | | 28/10/2022 | Land To Rear Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Erection of a single storey dwelling on land to rear of 8 Fen End, Over | |
22/01965/REM | | 27/10/2022 | Land Rear Of 16 To 44 New Road Over Cambridgeshire | Reserved matters application to discharge all remaining reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale), the full discharge of conditions 1 and 20 and the partial discharge of conditions 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 pursuant to outline ref: 20/03254/OUT. | |
22/04439/LBC | | 07/10/2022 | 20 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Remodel the existing western extension to reduce the parapet height on the eastern elevation and introduction of a pitched slope with roof tiles to match the existing; remodelling of the openings to create a glazed western elevation with french doors on the north end; infilling of the existing cut-out to the doorway to create an improved roof profile, with the introduction of a matching parapet wall to create a visual break between old and new. New single storey rear extension reflecting the location and footprint of the former extension to the cross-wing with access using a former doorway to be unblocked. External landscaping works. | |
22/04438/HFUL | | 07/10/2022 | 20 High Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Remodel the existing western extension to reduce the parapet height on the eastern elevation and introduction of a pitched slope with roof tiles to match the existing; remodelling of the openings to create a glazed western elevation with french doors on the north end; infilling of the existing cut-out to the doorway to create an improved roof profile, with the introduction of a matching parapet wall to create a visual break between old and new. New single storey rear extension reflecting the location and footprint of the former extension to the cross-wing with access using a former doorway to be unblocked. External landscaping works. | |
22/03950/HFUL | | 03/10/2022 | 30 Meadow Lane Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NF | Detached double garage and carport with office/playroom above. | |
22/01597/FUL | | 29/09/2022 | Land Adj 7 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Erection of 8no of dwellinghouses and garages with associated development including a raised table, landscaping and open space. | |
22/03879/HFUL | | 31/08/2022 | 25 The Lanes Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NQ | Replacement of existing two and single storey extensions with two storey extension and single storey extension at rear and side. | |
22/03448/FUL | | 29/07/2022 | 71 Willingham Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PE | New detached three bedroom bungalow | |
22/03392/HFUL | | 26/07/2022 | 44 New Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PJ | Demolition of existing conservatory, garage conversion, raise flat roof, loft conversion, render walls, porch and single storey side extension. | |
22/03299/S73 | | 20/07/2022 | 1 Drings Close Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NZ | S73 Variation of conditions 2 (Approved plans), 4 (Vegetation), and 8 (Layout of Junction) of planning permission 20/05343/FUL and details pertaining to condition 12 (Surface water drainage) of planning permission 20/05343/FUL (Extension of existing Doctors' Surgery to provide new consulting rooms, toilets and office space, vehicular access relocated to suit new extension and car park re-arranged to create additional parking spaces) revised junction location. | |
22/02668/FUL | | 05/07/2022 | Land At The Back Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Erection of 1 No. dwelling on land to rear of 8 Fen End, Over | |
22/03042/OUT | | 04/07/2022 | 16 The Lanes Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NQ | Outline planning application for the erection of 14 No. Residential dwellings and associated works with some matters reserved except for access | |
22/02955/HFUL | | 29/06/2022 | 40 West Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PL | Ground floor side extension | |
22/02704/LBC | | 09/06/2022 | 30 West Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PL | Relocate and increase the height of the attic store access door, addition of a window to the rear elevation and insulate the rafter zone. | |
S/4201/18/CONDD | | 07/06/2022 | Land East Of 7 Longstanton Road Over CB24 5PP | Submission of details required by conditions 6 (Play Area) and 26 (Fire Hydrants) of planning permission S/4201/18/VC | |
22/01614/FUL | | 03/05/2022 | 30 Norman Way Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5QE | Change of use from industrial use to light industrial, storage and office use, change of external materials to existing walls, replace the grass frontage to form new gravel drive, replace all existing windows and doors and install new security gates (retrospective) | |
22/02046/FUL | | 29/04/2022 | 16 The Doles Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NW | Demolition of existing conservatory to ground level & rebuild on the same footprint, with higher ridgeline. | |
22/01975/HFUL | | 26/04/2022 | 2 Barns Close Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5TX | Installation of PVCU conservatory to rear of property. | |
22/01965/REM | | 22/04/2022 | Land Rear Of 16 To 44 New Road Over Cambridgeshire | Reserved matters application to discharge all remaining reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale), the full discharge of conditions 1 and 20 and the partial discharge of conditions 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 pursuant to outline ref: 20/03254/OUT. | |
22/0485/TTPO [SCDC] | | 20/04/2022 | 43 The Doles Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NW | Side of 43 The Doles T1 - Elm - Fell to ground level T2- Elder - Fell to ground level T3 - Elm - Fell to ground level T4- Elm - Remove stem leaning towards bungalow T5- Elm(Dead) - Fell to ground level Between 41 and 43 The Doles T6 - Field maple - Remove Hanging branch Side of 41 The Doles T7 - Ash - Remove stem growing towards property to ground level T8 - Ash - Remove stem growing towards the property back to main trunk and remove broken hanging top Side of 31 The Doles T9 - Hawthorn - Remove fallen ivy covered stem Side of 37 The Doles T10 - Elm - Fell to ground level. after a request by SCDC to respond to complaints about the tree belt to the side of the above mentioned properties we have recommended these works to deal with dead of failed trees and to mitigate possible problems by removing some branches and or stems. this is being done in line with good Arboricultural practice and with the long term health of the trees and the safety of the residents in mind. | |
20/03254/CONDA | | 19/04/2022 | Land At And To The Rear Of 30 & 32 New Road Over Cambridgeshire | Submission of details required by conditions 7 (Tree Protection) and 10 (CEcMP) of planning permission 20/03254/OUT | |
22/01405/HFUL | | 23/03/2022 | 77 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NL | New roof to existing rear extension and replacement single storey side extension | |
22/01309/HFUL | | 17/03/2022 | 37-39 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Single storey garage | |
22/01505/LBC | | 17/03/2022 | 37-39 Fen End Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Single storey garage | |
22/01243/FUL | | 15/03/2022 | 16 New Road Over CB24 5PJ | Sub-division of the existing site into 3 residential plots (C3 use) including the existing dwelling and an attached sandwich bar (A1 use) and the formation of new shared access hard standings and parking. Conversion of and extension to the existing masonry Barns to form 2 No. new dwellings, one with an attached Sandwich Bar and the construction of a detached carport. | |
21/02587/CONDB | | 15/03/2022 | Land Adjacent Of 1 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire | Submission of details required by conditions 6 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 8 (Biodiversity), 10 (Surface Water), 11 (Foul Drainage) and 18 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission 21/02587/FUL | |
22/00926/HFUL | | 23/02/2022 | 36 The Lanes Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NQ | Single storey front extension | |
S/2383/17/CONDE | | 11/02/2022 | Site Adjacent Longstanton Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5PN | Submission of details required by conditions 6 (Children's play area (LAP)) and 26 (Fire hydrants) of planning permission S/2383/17/FL | |
22/00664/FUL | | 11/02/2022 | 25 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Subdivision of existing garden plot and the erection of a detached dwellinghouse including the stopping up of the existing driveway access and creation of new vehicular access to station road. | |
S/4171/19/CONDB | | 09/02/2022 | Land West Of Mill Road Over Cambs | Submission of details required by condition 2 (External air source heat pump units) of planning permission S/4171/19/VC | |
22/00478/FUL | | 03/02/2022 | Land At The Back Of 8 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Demolition of the existing barn and the construction of 1 No. dwellinghouse | |
22/00452/LBC | | 01/02/2022 | 30 Glover Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PQ | First floor side extension with gable wall, pitched slate roof, side window and two rear roof windows following the removal of the clay tiled roof from the existing single storey side extension. Addition of two windows to the rear elevation (reinstating original windows), general repairs and maintenance to existing windows and the addition of two clay chimney pots to existing chimney stacks. | |
22/00451/HFUL | | 01/02/2022 | 30 Glover Street Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PQ | First floor side extension with gable wall, pitched slate roof, side window and two rear roof windows following the removal of the clay tiled roof from the existing single storey side extension. Addition of two windows to the rear elevation (reinstating original windows), general repairs and maintenance to existing windows and the addition of two clay chimney pots to existing chimney stacks. | |
22/0095/TTCA | | 25/01/2022 | 61A High Street Over CB24 5NB | Willow (T1) - Fell The main trunk of the tree is rotten and in recent winds a large chuck split away and fell across the garden landing on top of the children's trampoline. This is the second piece that has split away in the last couple of years(first piece was smaller) and as this is a rental property for the safety of my tenants I would like to remove the tree before any more splits and falls. | |
22/00109/FUL | | 24/01/2022 | Portacabin Overcote Road Over Cambridgeshire | Temporary retention of the portacabin for use as an auxiliary office (Use Class B1 /E(g)(i)) in association with the existing engineering company. | |
S/2870/15/CONDD | | 18/01/2022 | Land To The West Of Mill Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire | Submission of details required by condition 28 (Bus stops) of planning permission S/2870/15/OL | |
22/00028/HFUL | | 17/01/2022 | 20 Unwins Lane Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5PN | Demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey side and rear extensions | |
21/02587/NMA1 | | 14/01/2022 | Land North Of 1 Longstanton Road Over CB24 5PP | Non material amendment of planning permission 21/02587/FUL (Erection of three detached dwellings along with new access from King Street and associated works) Amendment to wording of Conditions 21 (Renewable energy) and 22 (Water efficiency specification) to compliance conditions following the submission of supporting information | |
21/02587/CONDA | | 12/01/2022 | Land Adjacent Of 1 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire | Submission of details required by conditions 3 (External Materials), 4 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 9 (Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Strategy ) of planning permission 21/02587/FUL | |
22/00052/HFUL | | 06/01/2022 | 15 Overcote Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NS | Removal of existing hedge and erection of replacement front boundary wall | |
21/04755/CONDA [SCDC] | | 24/12/2021 | 80 High Street Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5ND | Submission of details required by condition 3 (Works to Enlarge Wall Opening) of consent 21/04755/LBC | |
20/05343/CONDA | | 23/12/2021 | 1 Drings Close Over CB24 5NZ | Submission of details required by conditions 4 (Visibility Splays), 5 (Driveway), 6 (Loading Time Restrictions), 7 (Footway), 8 (Highway Carriageway), 9 (Traffic Management Plan), 10 (Car Parking Spaces), 11 (AMS and Tree Protection Strategy), 12 (Surface Water Drainage) and 13 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) of planning permission 20/05343/FUL | |
21/05619/HFUL | | 22/12/2021 | 14 Giffords Way Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5UB | Demolition of existing rear conservatory, conversion of existing garage to habitable space, and single storey rear extension | |
21/05429/FUL | | 13/12/2021 | 4A Willingham Road Over CB24 5PD | Erection of a 1.5 storey 3 bed dwelling | |
21/01072/CONDA | | 10/12/2021 | 23 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Submission of details required by conditions 4 (Water efficiency), 5 (Energy Statement), 7 (Biodiversity enhancement scheme) and 14 (Cycle store) of planning permission 21/01072/FUL | |
21/05385/HFUL | | 08/12/2021 | 6 Coxs End Over CB24 5TZ | Garage extension & conversion with link to house | |
21/05229/S73 | | 30/11/2021 | 8 Elstow Close Over CB24 5LU | S73 Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 21/00844/HFUL (Single storey side and rear extensions to create new bedroom and guest suite and new kitchen area to main house) a) Change of mono-pitch continuous roof to a flat roof single ply membrane roof with parapet to incorporate lantern rooflight, b) Reduction in the length of the footprint of the side extension and c) Increase in the length of the rear extension and window position adjusted to suit. | |
21/05187/FUL | | 26/11/2021 | Land Off Longstanton Road Over Cambridge CB24 5PP | Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use. Building of stables, arena tract and parking area and the erection of fencing (Re-submission of S/4357/19/FL). | |
21/05015/HFUL | | 16/11/2021 | 35 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Single storey rear, single storey side & two storey front extensions following demolition of existing porch | |
S/2383/17/CONDB | | 29/10/2021 | Site Adjacent Longstanton Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5PN | Submission of details required by conditions 3 (External Materials), 4 (Floor Levels) and 17 (Surface Water Drainage) of permission S/2383/17/FL | |
21/04755/LBC | | 29/10/2021 | 80 High Street Over CB24 5ND | Internal and external modifications including replacement windows. | |
20/04896/CONDB | | 15/10/2021 | 71 Station Road Over CB24 5NL | Submission of details required by Conditions 4 (Surface water and foul water), 5 (Contamination) and 13 (Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission 20/04896/FUL | |
21/04537/HFUL | | 13/10/2021 | 28 Station Road Over CB24 5NJ | External staircase with access door & two additional roof windows to the garage. | |
21/04287/HFUL | | 27/09/2021 | 37-39 Fen End Over CB24 5NE | Conversion of existing garage and new link to existing dwelling | |
21/04288/LBC | | 27/09/2021 | 37-39 Fen End Over CB24 5NE | Conversion of existing garage and new link to existing dwelling | |
21/04223/S73 | | 21/09/2021 | 45 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning application S/1224/18/FL (Demolition of existing outbuildings and construction of 5 dwellings and associated parking and amenity space.) revising the arboricultural strategy to allow standard foundations, removing the need for piling | |
21/1207/TTCA | | 20/09/2021 | 20 High Street Over CB24 5ND | Tree specie - Plumb trees, on both sides Proposed work - To trim back neighbours trees on the west side of our garden, and to remove a branch on the east side of the garden | |
21/1182/TTCA | | 15/09/2021 | 2 Horse Ware Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NX | The elder tree shown on the sketch plan and accompanying photos is self-seeded at the base of a stanchion for a trellis where a climbing rose used to grow. The elder has two stems growing either side of the stanchion, which is right next to the garden wall, as can be seen on the photo. The roots of the elder have pushed up under the garden wall and caused a crack that follows through mortar joints to the top of the wall. I would like to remove the elder completely, saving the wall from further damage, and replant a climbing rose to grow up the stanchion and spread across the trellis. | |
21/03806/HFUL | | 19/08/2021 | 31 Chapmans Way Over CB24 5PZ | Loft conversion and re-roofing with a dormer - Resubmission of 21/02853/HFUL | |
20/02477/CONDD | | 17/08/2021 | Land Off 38 Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Submission of details required by condition 6 (External Lighting), 9 (Boundary Treatments), 12 (Water Calculations), 13 (Infrastructure Provision) and 23 (Archaeology) of planning permission 20/02477/FUL | |
20/02985/NMA1 | | 13/08/2021 | 16 Willingham Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5PD | Non-material amendment on permission 20/02985/HFUL to allow addition of window to rear elevation and alterations to approved roof lights and rear roof shape, including raising of eaves height | |
S/4171/19/NMA2 | | 12/08/2021 | Land At West Mill Road Over Cambridgeshire | Non material amendment of planning permission S/4171/19/VC to amend the site layout to meet the adoption requirements of the Local Highway Authority | |
21/03570/HFUL | | 03/08/2021 | 33 Mill Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5PY | First floor front extension over existing garage, single storey front extension to replace existing conservatory, single storey rear extension and updates to appearance of the property (Resubmission of 21/00693/HFUL) | |
21/03311/HFUL | | 16/07/2021 | 8 High Piece Crescent Over CB24 5NR | Single storey infill side/rear extension, following demolition of Conservatory. Replacement larger porch & Garage conversion | |
20/04896/CONDA | | 06/07/2021 | 71 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NL | Submission of details required by conditions 4 (Surface and Foul Water), 5 (Contamination), 9 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 13 (Traffic Management Plan), 16 (Carbon Emissions) and 18 (Bin and Cycle Storage) of planning permission 20/04896/FUL | |
S/1224/18/CONDB | | 06/07/2021 | 45 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Traffic Management Plan), 4 (Ecological Enhancement), 5 (Contamination), 6 (Foul Water Drainage), 7 (Surface Water Drainage), 8 (Boundary Treatment), 9 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 10 (External Materials) of planning permission S/1224/18/FL | |
21/03160/HFUL | | 06/07/2021 | 5 Meadow Lane Over CB24 5NF
| Single storey rear extension | |
21/03098/S73 | | 02/07/2021 | 46 Station Road Over CB24 5NJ | Variation of conditions 6 (Surface Water Drainage), 7 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan) and 8 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) of planning permission 20/01648/FUL (Erection of one no.4 bedroom and four no.3 bedroom houses following demolition of No. 46 Station Road and garage) | |
21/03102/HFUL | | 02/07/2021 | 16 Anglesey Way Over CB24 5LY | First floor front extension | |
21/03030/CLUED | | 28/06/2021 | Charter Cottage Horse Ware Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NX | Certificate of lawfulness under section 191 to confirm that a material operation has occurred within the definition of section 56 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 1 in accordance with the approved planning permission S/1883/18/FL | |
21/02853/HFUL | | 21/06/2021 | 31 Chapmans Way Over CB24 5PZ | Proposed loft conversion and re-roofing with a dormer | |
21/02714/HFUL | | 09/06/2021 | 25 Giffords Way Over CB24 5UB | Two storey front extension & change of materials | |
21/02587/FUL | | 03/06/2021 | Land Adjacent Of 1 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire | Erection of three detached dwellings along with new access from King Street and associated works | |
21/02538/HFUL | | 01/06/2021 | 30 Hilton Street Over CB24 5PU | Two Storey rear extension & 2 additional Gable windows | |
21/0653/TTCA | | 25/05/2021 | 20 High Street Over CB24 5ND | (Tree works within the Conservation area) | |
21/01761/FUL | | 25/05/2021 | 47 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Single storey side and rear extension and change of use to accommodate a childminding business. | |
21/02311/HFUL | | 18/05/2021 | 71 The Doles Over CB24 5QD | Single storey rear extension | |
21/02289/FUL | | 17/05/2021 | 5 Papworths Close Over CB24 5WH | Construction of 1 No. three bedroom Chalet Bungalow. | |
21/02043/HFUL | | 04/05/2021 | 13 Chapmans Way Over CB24 5PZ | Single storey rear extension | |
21/02048/CL2PD | | 04/05/2021 | Charter Cottage Horse Ware Over CB24 5NX | Certificate of lawfulness under Section 192 for the demolition of existing barn and clearance, levelling and removal of excess soil from the site, the creation of an access and driveway and the setting out of the footprint of the building in accordance with the approved Planning Permission ref S/1883/18/FL. | |
20/02477/CONDB | | 21/04/2021 | Land Off Fen End Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NE | Submission of details required by condition 22 (Piling Mitigation) of permission 20/02477/FUL | |
21/01072/FUL | | 20/04/2021 | 23 Station Road Over Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5NJ | Erection of a dwelling (attached) with two new parking spaces for existing dwelling | |
21/01709/FUL | | 15/04/2021 | Duces Pond Fen Over Road Over Cambridgeshire | Re-profiling and enlargement of existing pond | |
21/01636/HFUL | | 12/04/2021 | 75 Willingham Road Over CB24 5PE | Extensions to the front and rear, to raise roof and incorporate more bedrooms at first floor | |
21/01079/OUT | | 09/03/2021 | Land Adjacent To 110 Station Road Over Cambridgeshire | Outline application for the erection of two dwellings with access from Station road, with all matters reserved | |
S/1224/18/CONDA | | 02/03/2021 | 45 High Street Over CB24 5NB | Submission of details required by condition 3 (Construction Management Plan) of planning permission S/1224/18/FL | |
21/00952/HFUL | | 02/03/2021 | 23 Meadow Lane Over CB24 5NF | Additional dormer window & change materials on existing dormer window | |
21/00844/HFUL | | 23/02/2021 | 8 Elstow Close Over CB24 5LU | Single storey side and rear extensions to create new bedroom and guest suite and new kitchen area to main house | |
21/00741/FUL | | 18/02/2021 | 4 West Street Over CB24 5PL | Erection of dwelling and garaging on land between 2 and 4 West St. Over (constructed in 2015 under S/2874/14/FL) | |
21/00693/HFUL | | 16/02/2021 | 33 Mill Road Over CB24 5PY | First floor front extension over existing garage, single storey front extension to replace existing conservatory, single storey rear extension and updates to appearance of the property. | |
21/00594/HFUL | | 10/02/2021 | 61 Mill Road Over CB24 5PY | Single storey rear extension following demolition of covered area | |
21/00516/HFUL | | 08/02/2021 | 3 Meadow Lane Over CB24 5NF | Erection of a single garage and attached store | |
20/02171/OUT | | 01/02/2021 | Northstowe Phase 3A Rampton Road Longstanton Cambs
| Outline planning application for the development of Northstowe Phase 3A for up to 4,000 homes, two primary schools, a local centre (including employment, community, retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, residential uses and other accommodation), secondary mixed use zones (including employment, community, retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, residential uses), open space and landscaped areas, sports pitches, associated engineering and infrastructure works, including the retention of the existing military lake and creation of a new lake, with details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access reserved. Application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement and involves works to/affecting existing Public Rights of Way.
(Incorporates amendments following public consultation process.) | |
20/02142/OUT | | 01/02/2021 | Northstowe Phase 3B Station Road Longstanton Cambs | Outline planning application for the development of Northstowe Phase 3B, comprising up to 1,000 homes, a primary school, secondary mixed use zone (with retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, employment and residential uses), open space and landscaped areas, engineering and infrastructure works, with details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access reserved. Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
(Incorporates amendments following public consultation process.) | |
20/04589/CLUED | | 09/11/2020 | Land At Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5WE | Certificate of lawfulness under section 191 to establish planning permission S/2045/89/D for land for riding, livery stables, temporary stables and flat was lawfully commenced and is extant | |